newsletter home page
August 30, 2002
September 6, 2002
September 13, 2002
September 20, 2002
September 27, 2002
October 4, 2002
October 11, 2002
October 18, 2002
October 25, 2002
November 1, 2002
November 8, 2002
November 15, 2002
November 22, 2002
December 6, 2002
December 13, 2002
December 20, 2002
January 10, 2003
January 17, 2003
January 24, 2003
January 31, 2003
February 7, 2003
February 14, 2003
February 21, 2003
February 28, 2003
March 7, 2003
March 13, 2003
March 20, 2003
March 28, 2003
April 4, 2003
April 11, 2003
April 17, 2003
April 25, 2003
May 2, 2003
May 9, 2003
May 16, 2003
May 23, 2003
June 24, 2002
I have spent the
month of June taking TTL (Teachers and Technology in Learning). That
means we will be doing more with technology in our classroom. Starting
with my weekly newsletter going online. A goal of mine is to keep the
parents informed. If you ask your child "What did you do in school
today?" and your get the answer "I don't know." Check out my website I
will update it by Friday evening each week. As
of today, our building is not finished. It is my understanding that
there will be another walk through on June 28 and hopefully, we will then
have a moving date. With the computer lab down, that means this will
not be updated until the new lab is up and running.
First day of school - Monday,
August 26th. Please make sure that you have your
completed shot record, birth certificate and social security number into the
office by then.
School supply List
Box of 8 crayons
Pencil Box
Paint Shirt (an oversized one of mom or dads works best)
This page will be update as I receive more information.
Mrs. Madison
